Articles tagged programming

Things I've worked on at Astro in 2023

Dec 23, 2023 · programming, astro
Turns out images are more complicated than I thought

What's in a good error

Jul 02, 2023 · dev-experience, programming
Because good DX goes from W to N: Working to Not Working

Don't underestimate the power of editor tooling

Apr 01, 2022 · programming
Close to 100% of programmers are typing code in a code editor!

Your config files should be typechecked

Jan 12, 2022 · programming, javascript
aka, How to use the power of Typescript for your Prettier, ESLint and other config files

Eleventy pain points

Oct 18, 2020 · eleventy, website, programming
In an unsurprising turns of event, it turns out you really can't write any kind of software without at least a few things going wrong


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